Sermons: March 1991 - December 2005
03/24/1991 AM: "His Banner
Over Me is Love" -
03/24/1991 PM: "A Man Of God" -
03/31/1991 Sunrise: "Why Seek
Ye the Living Among the Dead?" -
03/31/1991 AM: "It's Friday,
but Sunday is Coming" -
04/14/1991 AM: "Make This
Valley Full of Ditches" -
04/21/1991 AM: "The King
Makes a Hospital Visit" -
05/05/1991 AM: "Keep On" -
05/12/1991 AM: "How a Mother
Got a Blank Check from Jesus" -
07/28/1991 AM: "How to Buy
Love" -
07/28/1991 PM: "Leaving
David's Weapons" -
09/01/1991 AM: "Fear God" -
09/01/1991 PM: "And the
Church Marched On" -
09/15/1991 AM: "Six Unusual
Cities" -
09/15/1991 PM: "I Will Praise
Thee More and More" -
09/22/1991 AM: "When the
King's Son Burns the Barley Field" -
09/22/1991 PM: "Be Instant" -
09/29/1991 AM: "Simple Plan
Of Salvation" -
10/20/1991 AM: "God Wants
Everyone to Be Saved" -
10/27/1991 AM: "Make
Friends with Your Mountains" -
10/27/1991 PM: "Is This the
Carpenter?" -
10/20/1991 PM: "We Shall
Reap, If" -
11/03/1991 AM: "Soul Needs" -
11/10/1991 AM: "Make Thee An
Ark" -
12/15/1991 AM: "Pawing in
the Valley" -
12/15/1991 PM: "Please
Don't Die" -
12/29/1991 AM: Jim Reed -
01/05/1992 AM: "A New Heart" -
01/12/1992 AM: "Set Your
Face Like a Flint" -
01/12/1992 PM: "Praise God
from Whom All Blessings Flow" -
01/19/1992 AM: "How's Your
Axe?" -
01/19/1992 PM: "How to Get
Along in God's Family" -
01/26/1992 AM: "Mephibosheth" -
02/02/1992 AM: "This Do in
Remembrance" -
02/09/1992 AM: "A Merry Heart
Doeth Good Like a Medicine" -
02/09/1992 PM: "When a
Biscuit Won a War" -
04/19/1992 AM: T.R. Coulter -
02/28/1993 AM: "He Touched
Me" -
02/28/1993 PM: "How We Deny
Jesus" -
03/07/1993 AM: "Garments of
Salvation" -
03/07/1993 PM: "Dwell Deep" -
03/14/1993 AM: "Good News" -
03/14/1993 PM: "What's in a
Name?" -
03/21/1993 AM: "What Think
Ye of Christ?" -
03/21/1993 PM: "The Older
Brother" -
04/05/1992 AM: "He Hath
Done All Things Well" -
04/05/1992 PM: "Disquieted
in Vain" -
04/12/1992 AM: "It is
Finished" -
04/19/1992 PM: "Taste and
See" -
06/07/1992 AM: "A Fill-'er-Up
God" -
06/07/1992 PM: "The Spirit
of Him" -
06/14/1992 PM: "Sitting
Down They Watched Him There" -
07/19/1992 AM: "Let's Just
Start from Here" -
07/19/1992 PM: "Slippery
When Wet" -
07/26/1992 AM: "The Ark of
the Covenant" -
07/26/1992 PM: "Zeal" -
08/02/1992 AM: "Is There
Not a Cause?" -
08/02/1992 PM: "God Don't
Put His Blessings in the Slop Bucket" -
08/09/1992 AM: "Other
Little Ships" -
08/23/1992 PM: "In All Thy
Ways" -
09/06/1992 AM: "Turn Your
Eyes Upon Jesus" -
09/06/1992 PM: "Faithful
Servants" -
12/13/1992 AM: "There's
Room at the Cross for You" -
12/13/1992 PM: "There Came
Wise Men" -
02/21/1993 AM: "Take Ye
Away the Stone" -
06/27/1993 AM: "How to Beat
Your Giants" -
07/04/1993 PM: "America" -
07/11/1993 AM: "And the
Iron Did Swim" -
07/18/1993 AM: "Nevertheless
At Thy Word" -
07/25/1993 AM: Dan Russell -
07/25/1993 PM: Dan Russell -
10/17/1993 AM: "What are
These Wounds?" -
10/17/1993 PM: "Run the
Race" -
10/31/1993 AM: "Trick or
Treat" -
11/07/1993 AM: "The Master
is Come and Calleth For Thee" -
03/30/1997 AM: "The Gospel of
Easter" -
Revival 06/19/1997: Richard Coss -
Revival 06/20/1997: Richard Coss -
Revival 06/21/1997: Richard Coss -
10/17/1999 AM: "Bring Back
The Good Old Days" -
12/05/1999 AM: "Destiny" -
12/19/1999 AM: "Good Tidings of
Great Joy" -
12/26/1999 PM: "2000
Challenges" -
02/27/2000 AM: "Fellowship
Baptist Church" -
03/05/2000 AM: "He Giveth
More Grace" -
03/12/2000 AM: "Play the
Men" -
03/12/2000 PM: "As for Me
and My House We Will Serve the Lord" -
04/16/2000 AM: "Pressing On" -
04/16/2000 PM: T.R. Coulter -
Revival 04/18/2000: T.R. Coulter -
Revival 04/19/2000: T.R. Coulter -
Revival 04/20/2000: T.R. Coulter -
Revival 04/21/2000: T.R. Coulter -
Revival 04/22/2000: T.R. Coulter -
04/23/2000 AM: T.R. Coulter -
06/04/2000 AM: "Cure For
Depression" -
06/04/2000 PM: "Misunderstood
Christianity" -
06/11/2000 AM: "Ye Have Not
Passed This Way Heretofore" -
06/11/2000 PM: "Hidden in
the House of the Lord -
06/18/2000 AM: "Don't Forget the
Dead" -
06/18/2000 PM: "Dad's Wells" -
06/25/2000 AM: Jim Marcus -
06/25/2000 PM: Jim Marcus -
08/20/2000 AM: "Whosoever Will" -
08/20/2000 PM: "Nevertheless at
Thy Word" -
08/27/2000 AM: "God's Cure for
the World's Worst Disease" -
08/27/2000 PM: "I Believe in
Miracles" -
09/17/2000 AM: "Sin Still
Has Its Many Wages" ●
Ray Beuthin -
09/17/2000 PM: "Why Pray
When You Can Worry?" ●
Ray Beuthin -
10/22/2000 AM: "The Lord is on
My Side" -
10/22/2000 PM: "You are Not an
Orphan" -
11/12/2000 AM: "Revival
Reflections" -
11/12/2000 PM: "Unlikely
Choices" -
11/26/2000 AM: "He's Still
Making Wet Wood Burn" -
12/10/2000 AM: "Why Are We
Depressed?" -
12/10/2000 PM: "The Bush is
Still Burning" -
12/17/2000 AM: "The Other
Shore" -
12/17/2000 PM: "I Will
Build" -
01/07/2001 AM: "What
Forgiveness Does" -
01/07/2001 PM: "Three Words
That Will Change a Church" -
01/21/2001 AM: Jim Marcus -
01/21/2001 PM: Jim Marcus -
02/25/2001 AM: "Three
Amazing Births" -
02/25/2001 PM: "Why the
Devil Gets Us" -
04/01/2001 AM: "Believe and
Receive" -
04/01/2001 PM: "Giants or
Grasshoppers" -
04/08/2001 AM: "Jesus Wept" -
04/08/2001 PM: "How to Be
Close" -
04/15/2001 AM: "Who Do You
Say I Am?" -
04/15/2001 PM: "A Lamb As
It Had Been Slain" -
04/22/2001 AM: "Is God
Getting What He Paid For?" -
04/22/2001 PM: "Come On In,
the Water's Fine" -
04/29/2001 AM: "Turn Your
Eyes Upon Jesus" -
04/29/2001 PM: "Be Instant" -
05/13/2001 AM: "A Mother's
Day Charge" -
05/13/2001 PM: "Praying
Moms" -
05/27/2001 AM: "In All Thy
Ways" -
06/24/2001 AM: "Four Things
To Remember I" -
06/24/2001 PM: "Four Things
To Remember II" -
07/01/2001 PM: Richard Coss -
09/30/2001 AM: "The Same
Yesterday, To Day and Forever " -
10/07/2001 AM: "Lessons from the
Storm" -
10/14/2001 AM: "The Worth
of One Sinner" -
10/14/2001 PM: "God Doesn't
Change His Mind" -
10/28/2001 AM: "Shall The
Circle Be Unbroken?" -
12/23/2001 AM: "A Savior" -
02/03/2002 PM: "Go and Tell" -
03/31/2002 AM: "Message of Easter" -
03/31/2002 PM: "Resurrection Morning" -
04/14/2002 AM: "Where is the Lamb?" -
04/14/2002 PM: "He Pleased God" -
04/21/2002 AM: "Turn Your Cross Into a Crown" -
04/21/2002 PM: "Ye Are God's Building" -
05/05/2002 AM: "Open Rebuke Is Better Than Secret
Love" -
05/05/2002 PM: "Why I Am a Baptist" -
05/12/2002 PM: "Stumblingblocks" -
07/28/2002 PM: "Distraction or Devotion?" -
08/11/2002 PM: "God's Secret Place" -
08/25/2002 PM: "I Have Not
Apprehended" -
10/13/2002 PM: "Reaping" -
10/27/2002 PM: "Jesus'
Prayer For Fellowship" -
12/22/2002 AM: "Tell the
Good News" -
12/22/2002 PM: "Who Is
Christmas For?" -
01/05/2003 AM: "New Year's
Resolutions" -
01/05/2003 PM: "How to Keep
Your Resolutions" -
01/12/2003 AM: "Tomorrow the Lord
Will Do Wonders Among You" -
01/12/2003 PM: Jim Marcus -
01/19/2003 AM: "A Mind to Work" -
01/19/2003 PM: "Great Peace" -
01/26/2003 AM: "Dedicating
the House of the Lord" -
01/26/2003 PM: "A Covenant
Before the Lord" -
02/02/2003 AM: "What's Our
Purpose?" -
02/02/2003 PM: "Believing God
Can" -
02/09/2003 AM: "Love Lifted
Me" -
02/09/2003 PM: "God Has a
Plan" -
02/16/2003 AM: "Draw Water
Out of the Wells of Salvation" -
02/16/2003 PM: "God is My
Salvation" -
02/23/2003 AM: "What Does
Calvary Say?" -
02/23/2003 PM: "Mine Eye
Affecteth Mine Heart" -
03/09/2003 AM: "Delivered" -
03/16/2003 AM: "The Fool's
Death" -
03/16/2003 PM: "Restoring
Backsliders" -
03/30/2003 AM: "The Midnight
Alarm" -
04/20/2003 PM: "His Blood
Will I Require At Thine Hand" -
05/04/2003 AM: "Is It Well
With Thy Soul?" -
05/04/2003 PM: "AWOL" -
05/11/2003 AM: "A Mother's
Faith" -
05/11/2003 PM: "Peace In The
Family" -
05/18/2003 AM: "Naaman the
Leper" -
05/18/2003 PM: "He Defended
the Lentiles" -
05/25/2003 AM: "Make Haste" -
06/01/2003 AM: Leonard Gordon -
06/01/2003 PM: Clint Peters -
06/08/2003 PM: "Come Boldly" -
06/22/2003 AM: "Choose Your
God" -
06/22/2003 PM: "Mind Your 'P's" -
06/29/2003 AM: "The Way
Home" -
07/06/2003 AM: "Trust" -
07/13/2003 AM: "Where Art
Thou?" -
07/13/2003 PM: "Where Is
Thy Brother?" -
07/20/2003 AM: "Out of the
Strong Came Forth Sweetness" -
07/20/2003 PM: "The Legion
& The Swine: What Satan Does For You" -
07/27/2003 AM: "A Lift For
A Mother-in-Law" -
07/27/2003 PM: "How Grace
Came, What It Did, How It Flowed" -
08/03/2003 AM: "Transformed" -
08/03/2003 PM: "He Leadeth
Me" -
08/10/2003 AM: "Someone is
at Your Door" -
08/10/2003 PM: "Your Loaves
and Fish" -
08/17/2003 AM: "I Have
Prayed for You" -
08/17/2003 PM: "The Man Who
Became a Rock" -
08/24/2003 AM: "Give Us
This Day Our Daily Bread" -
08/24/2003 PM: "Running the
Final Lap" -
08/31/2003 AM: "On My
Father's Side" -
08/31/2003 PM: "Work Out
Your Own Salvation" -
09/07/2003 AM: "In God We
Trust" -
09/14/2003 AM: "Remembrance" -
09/14/2003 PM: "How a
Christian Deals with Sin" -
09/21/2003 AM: "Shew Me Thy
Ways, Teach Me Thy Paths" -
09/21/2003 PM: "One Accord" -
09/28/2003 AM: "Happy in
the Present" -
10/05/2003 AM: "Blessed are
the Poor in Spirit" -
10/05/2003 PM: "Why
Churches Don't Grow" -
10/12/2003 AM: "Blessed Are
They That Mourn" -
10/12/2003 PM: "How We
Hinder Church Growth" -
10/19/2003 AM: "Blessed Are
the Meek" -
10/19/2003 PM: "Always Do
the Always Things" -
10/26/2003 AM: "Blessed Are
the Hungry and Thirsty" -
11/16/2003 AM: "Blessed Are
the Pure in Heart" -
11/16/2003 PM: "Principles
to Live By" -
11/23/2003 AM: "Blessed Are
the Peacemakers" -
11/30/2003 AM: "Blessed Are
the Persecuted" -
11/30/2003 PM: "The Joy of
the Lord" -
12/07/2003 AM: "How To Do
the Impossible" -
12/07/2003 PM: "Into the
Storm" -
12/14/2003 AM: "Mine Eyes
Have Seen the King" -
12/14/2003 PM: Pastor Mark of
12/21/2003 AM: "Color It
Christmas" -
12/21/2003 PM: "Everything's
All Right In My Father's House" -
12/28/2003 AM: Clint Peters -
12/28/2003 PM: Leonard Gordon -
01/04/2004 AM: "More In
'04" -
01/04/2004 PM: "Become All
Things to All Men" -
01/11/2004 AM: "Ain't
Nobody Like Him" -
01/11/2004 PM: "Why Read
The Bible" -
01/25/2004 AM: "Promises/Promises" -
01/25/2004 PM: "Why Believe
the Promises of God" -
02/01/2004 AM: "How to
Obtain the Promises of God" -
02/01/2004 PM: "Promise
Partners" -
02/08/2004 AM: "Go After
That Which Is Lost" -
02/08/2004 PM: "Go After
That Which Is Lost" Pt. II -
02/15/2004 AM: "Our Eyes
Are Upon Thee" -
02/15/2004 PM: "In All Thy
Ways" -
02/22/2004 AM: "How Shall He
Not?" -
02/22/2004 PM: Leonard Gordon -
02/29/2004 AM: "I Love to Tell the
Story" -
02/29/2004 PM: "How to
Listen to Preaching" -
03/07/2004 AM: "Who Is He
That Condemneth?" -
03/07/2004 PM: "Like The
Precious Ointment" -
03/14/2004 AM: "Be Instant" -
03/14/2004 PM: "The Devil
Has Not Changed" -
03/21/2004 AM: "The Uppertaker" -
03/21/2004 PM: "Go Ye...As A..." -
03/28/2004 AM: "My Father's House" -
03/28/2004 PM: "Our Rear Guard" -
04/04/2004 AM: "Let's Talk About Jesus" -
04/04/2004 PM: "You Missed the Point" -
04/11/2004 Sunrise: "You're Looking in the Wrong
Place" -
04/11/2004 AM: "Amen" -
04/11/2004 PM: "Grow Through the Trial" -
04/18/2004 AM: "Come to the Cross" -
04/18/2004 PM: "Come to the Cross" -
04/25/2004 AM: "Open Thy Mouth Wide" -
05/02/2004 AM: "I Am Ready to Preach the Gospel" -
05/02/2004 PM: "Keep Yourselves in the Love of God" -
05/09/2004 AM: "Jesus Paid the Price, Keep the
Change" -
05/09/2004 PM: "See the Good" -
05/16/2004 AM: "Grow or Die" -
05/16/2004 PM: "Consult with Yourself" -
05/23/2004 AM: "I Don't Have To" -
05/23/2004 PM: "Paul's Résumé" -
05/30/2004 AM: "Remember" -
06/06/2004 AM: "Storming the Gates of Hell" -
06/06/2004 PM: "The Great Communicator" -
06/13/2004 AM: "See the Invisible Ones" -
06/20/2004 AM: "Is He Your God or is He Your Father?" -
06/20/2004 PM: "Satan's Most Subtle Snare" -
06/27/2004 AM: "The Friend of God" -
06/27/2004 PM: "The Friend of God" -
07/04/2004 AM: "Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus" -
07/11/2004 AM: "He Made Darkness His Pavilion" -
07/11/2004 PM: "Faint Not" -
07/18/2004 AM: "Don't Offend a Little One" -
07/18/2004 PM: "How to Get Where You're Supposed to
Be..." -
07/25/2004 AM: "It's Not Too Late Yet" -
07/25/2004 PM: "How to Finish" -
08/01/2004 AM: "The Simple Gospel" -
08/01/2004 PM: "God's Battle, Our Victory" -
08/08/2004 AM: "Mine Own Hand Hath Not Saved Me" -
08/15/2004 AM: "Teach Us to Pray" -
08/15/2004 PM: "Sifted for Service" -
08/22/2004 AM: "Love Never Faileth" -
08/22/2004 PM: "Four 'For's
to Preserve Life's Relationships" -
08/29/2004 AM: Steeple Dedication -
08/29/2004 PM: "Bent to Backsliding" -
09/05/2004 AM: "Precious...the Death of His Saints" -
09/12/2004 AM: "His Hand Clave unto the Sword" -
09/12/2004 PM: "Where's Jesus?" -
09/19/2004 AM: "Blessed are the Planted" -
09/19/2004 PM: "Don't Stop to Ponder..." -
09/26/2004 AM: "The Greatest Verse in the Bible" -
10/03/2004 AM: "If Our Gospel Be Hid" -
10/03/2004 PM: "What We Can Learn from a Football
Team" -
10/10/2004 AM: "Sleep On" -
10/10/2004 PM: "You're Something" -
10/17/2004 AM: "Doors" -
10/17/2004 PM: Leonard Gordon -
10/24/2004 AM: "Take Upon You the Form of a Servant" -
10/24/2004 PM: "A Servant's Mind" -
10/31/2004 AM: "Don't Move the Landmarks" -
11/07/2004 AM: "What to Do with Sin" -
11/07/2004 PM: "How to Stop Sin" -
11/14/2004 AM: "God is as Big a God as You'll Let Him
Be" -
11/21/2004 AM: "Giving Him Thanks" -
11/28/2004 AM: "Does Anybody Love Me?" -
11/28/2004 PM: "Go Thou and Do Likewise" -
12/05/2004 AM: "What's in Your Life?" -
12/05/2004 PM: "I'm Here to Irritate You" -
12/12/2004 AM: "Judas, My Friend" -
12/12/2004 PM: "Why the Bible Doesn't Always Work" -
12/19/2004 AM: "On Christmas Day" -
12/19/2004 PM: "Christmas is for Children" -
12/26/2004 AM: "And They Returned" -
12/26/2004 PM: "The Eyes of the Lord are Always Upon
You" -
01/02/2005 AM: "2005 Marks" Part I -
01/02/2005 PM: "2005 Marks" Part II -
01/09/2005 AM: "The Christian and Depression" -
01/09/2005 PM: "Grace for Grace" -
01/16/2005 AM: "Lord, Open Our Eyes" -
01/16/2005 PM: "A Biblical Christian" -
01/23/2005 AM: "The Just Shall Live By Faith" -
01/23/2005 PM: "Give an Account" -
01/30/2005 AM: "Second-Hand Christianity" -
01/30/2005 PM: "Nothing Shall Be Impossible to You" -
02/06/2005 AM: "What's So Good About the Good News?" -
02/06/2005 PM: "Wonderfully Made" -
02/13/2005 AM: "The Truth Shall Make You Free" -
02/13/2005 PM: "Out with the Old - In with the New" -
02/20/2005 AM: "In His Presence" -
02/20/2005 PM: "Come Before His Presence" -
02/27/2005 AM: "...And Knock" -
02/27/2005 PM: "The Altar of Sacrifice" -
03/06/2005 AM: "How Does God Help Me?" -
03/06/2005 PM: "Samuel" -
03/13/2005 AM: "Never Satisfied" Part I -
03/13/2005 PM: "Never Satisfied" Part II -
03/20/2005 AM: "The Battle is the Lord's" -
03/20/2005 PM: "What to Do with Today" -
03/27/2005 AM: "The Way, the Truth, and the Life" -
04/03/2005 AM: "Go Forward" -
04/10/2005 AM: "Go After It" -
04/17/2005 AM: "Go Out Against Them" -
04/24/2005 AM: "The Question of All Questions" -
05/01/2005 AM: "Because They Have No Changes, They
Fear Not God" -
05/15/2005 AM: "Come, Follow, Go" -
05/22/2005 AM: "It Was Noised That He was in the
House" -
05/29/2005 AM: "They Stood Every Man in His Place" -
06/05/2005 AM: "God Loves Through the Dark, Too" -
06/12/2005 AM: "A Little Leaven" -
06/19/2005 AM: "I Will Arise and Go to My Father" -
06/26/2005 AM: "The Greatest Day in My Life" -
07/03/2005 AM: "Peter's Jail-Break" -
07/10/2005 AM: "Your Future" -
07/17/2005 AM: "The Christian Life" -
08/07/2005 AM: "The Scarlet Thread" -
08/14/2005 AM: "Between the Living and the Dead" -
08/21/2005 AM: "Getting Clean in Dirty Water" -
08/28/2005 AM: "Made Nigh By the Blood" -
09/04/2005 AM: "Not By Works" -
09/11/2005 AM: "Blessed are the Prepared" -
09/18/2005 AM: "Seven Things Everybody Knows" -
09/25/2005 AM: "The Wrong
Choice" -
10/09/2005 AM: "Put on Him the Robe" -
10/09/2005 PM: "Hide Thyself" -
10/16/2005 AM: "Son" -
10/23/2005 AM: "My High Priest" -
10/30/2005 AM: "Is It Well with Thee?" -
11/13/2005 AM: "Almost" -
11/20/2005 AM: "I Will Praise Thee More and More" -
11/27/2005 AM: "Snake Talk" -
12/04/2005 AM: "Lessons from the Wise Men" -
12/11/2005 AM: "How to Be a Christmas Star" -
12/18/2005 AM: "Tell the Good News" -
12/18/2005 PM: "Be a Christmas Child" -
12/25/2005 AM: "Mary Had a Little Lamb" -